Visiting the Carnac standing stones

Visite guidée dans les alignements de Carnac

Visiting the Carnac standing stones

The megaliths of Carnac are to this day surrounded by mystery. See them for yourself and be amazed by this ancient and monumental architecture.

The Carnac standing stones are accessible for visits from October to March. Some areas may be closed to visitors if the protection or maintenance of the sites so requires.
In order to preserve this heritage, from April to September, visits can be made only on a guided tour. Tours are organised by the Centre des Monuments Nationaux. Dogs are not allowed anywhere on the sites (with the exception of guide dogs). Visits are suitable for people with reduced mobility.

Maison des mégalithes Carnac copyright Thomas Thibaut-Centre des monuments nationaux
© Thomas Thibaut, Centre des monuments nationaux
Visite guidée aux alignements de menhirs de Carnac copyright photo Centre des monuments nationaux
© Centre des monuments nationaux

According to legend, the menhirs are a stone army, or were perhaps a place of worship. The dolmens and tumuli are actually individual or collective graves. The alignments probably had a religious significance and the whole site was almost certainly ceremonial and religious in nature.

For more information, contact the Maison des Mégalithes, the site information point (reception, ticket office, video projection room, bookstore and free-access shop).

Tips for visiting

Follow the hiking trails to enjoy a walk around the outside of the sites.


Arrive at the Maison des Mégalithes at least 30 minutes before the scheduled time to visit the sites accompanied by a guide. You can consult the visiting hours and book online on the National Monuments website. Allow about an hour for the guided tour. Tours in foreign languages (English, German and Spanish) are also available at certain times.

During school holidays, the Maison des Mégalithes also offers activities such as workshops, walks and storytelling evenings.


Begin your visit at the Maison des Mégalithes, the information point located opposite the Ménec site, to get a better understanding of what you’re about to discover! Hiking trails allow you to walk around the sites to admire the stones. Both the Ménec and Kermario sites have car parks.


You can take a guided tour alongside the megalithic site and to explore Carnac with:

More information on guided tours in Carnac

Plan 2019 des alignements de Carnac

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