Accessible Carnac

Beach accessible to people with reduced mobility at Carnac


Carnac, as one of the tourist resorts in Morbihan, pays particular attention to people with disabilities. Brittany first gained the “Tourism and Handicap” label in 2007 for the motor disability station, open every summer on the Grande Plage, and this label was renewed in 2012 for the hearing impaired and mentally disabled. The Terraque Cultural Space (library) received the label for hearing and mental disabilities in 2013.

The label ‘Tourisme et Handicap’ aims to promote those places proposing a coherent and comprehensive tourist offer for disabled people. It provides a guarantee of an efficient welcome adapted to the essential needs of disabled people. The documents used for assessment have been developed in cooperation between the different associations of tourist service providers and representatives of the disabled communities.

Logo Tourisme et handicap

The logo, affixed at the entrance of sites involved, of facilities and tourist offices, as well as all documents and, information is at once reliable, consistent and objective concerning accessibility for those with disabilities (motor, visual, auditory or mental) using four pictograms.

You can find information about all ‘Tourisme et Handicap’-certified sites in Brittany on the Handi Tourisme Bretagne website.

Swimming for all abilities

A first aid station and a reception office is open at the mid-point of the Grande Plage beach from Saturday 5th July to Friday 29th August 2025, from 1 pm to 7 pm, with launching until 6:30 pm.

For getting disabled people into the sea with an excellent degree of independence, the Handiplage station at Carnac’s Grande Plage is equipped with :

  • 1 amphibious tiralo chair
  • 1 amphibious mobi-chair
  • 1 autonomous “Seahorse” wheelchair
  • 1 patient lift (please provide straps)
  • 1 toilet
  • 1 shower

Two qualified helpers are on hand to supervise and help disabled people.

The Grande Plage motor disability station in Carnac received the label HANDIPLAGE 3 bouées.

This free service is open every day, including public holidays.
Reservations recommended on +33 6 84 08 71 34

Accommodation and activities

We offer a list of accommodation, restaurants, and leisure activities adapted and suitable for persons with reduced mobility, with all services and activities provided for.

Couverture guide des visites et loisirs accessibles OT Carnac

Visites et loisirs accessibles 716.13 KB


Dépliant sur l'accessibilité des alignements de Carnac

Accessibilité du site des alignements de Carnac 3.15 MB


Hébergements accessibles à Carnac couverture guide OT Carnac

Hébergements accessibles 1.01 MB



Couverture du guide pratique Carnac accessible guide OT carnac

Carnac accessible 2.12 MB


Carnac tourist office

Carnac Tourist Office pays particular attention to people with disabilities. Our team aims to provide you with an efficient welcome tailored to your needs, and to respond to your requests as they would for any visitor.

  • Staff sensitized or trained
  • Presence of hearing and comprehension aids : magnetic induction loop
  • Dynamic screens to give you all kinds of information (weather, tides, events, etc.) and show you Carnac in pictures.
  • Audible and visual fire alarm
  • The reception staff adapt to each request by adapting the language to make it easier to understand.
  • The documents on the display racks are classified by theme and identified by signs with text and pictograms.
  • The tourism plan is pictorial.
  • The path to the building, the entrance and the reception are accessible.
  • Parking spaces nearby including adapted and reserved spaces
  • Minimum width of 90 cm all the way
  • The public toilets – adjoining the Tourist Office of Carnac-Plage, and less than 100m from the Office of Carnac-Ville – are adapted.
  • There is one lowered reception desk.
  • Entrance doors and glass door with contrasting elements on the glass part
  • The reception area is designed to avoid any obstacles.
  • Guide dogs are welcome.